Virtual Vigil Light

Virtual Vigil Light
To add the name of your loved one (living or deceased)
to be remembered in prayer for one month, click here

We remember in prayer these loved ones:

Jim, Elvira, Jose, & Huck (Perpetual)

Marie (Perpetual)

Sabri (Perpetual)

Nicole (Perpetual)

Niccolo Bantolo (Perpetual)

Bryant C. (Perpetual)

William Cordero (Perpetual)

Henry & Eileen Dhuyvetter (Perpetual)

Erlinda & Leonardo Farol (Perpetual)

Barbara & Michael Finneran (Perpetual)

Steve Frost (Perpetual)

Charleen Frost (Perpetual)

Anthony Fernandez

Rafael Fernandez

Macaria, Arman, Arnold Fuertes (Perpetual)

Doug G. (Perpetual)

Rafael G (Perpetual)

Graciela Gilbert (Perpetual)

Jung Ae Ha

Jack Ingraham

Orlando Lucero

Marjorie & Dick McManus (Perpetual)

Charles J. Mears

G.v. Miller (Perpetual)

Edna Mae Miller (Perpetual)

Jennilyn Javien (Perpetual)

Junior Javien (Perpetual)

Alejandra Noble (Perpetual)

Eduardo P. (Perpetual)

Ed Peffer (Perpetual)

Richard Powers (Perpetual)

Salua Q. (Perpetual)

Jackie Rochefort (Perpetual)

Larry Shabe (Perpetual)

Benigno Solis Sr. (Perpetual)

Raffaela Vitulano


     Vigil Light Shrines have been a popular way to offer prayers of intention since the time of the very early church when candles or oil lamps were lit at the tombs of saints and martyrs. At Easter Vigil when the priest enters the darkened church with the Easter candle, he sings “Christ, Be Our Light,” to which we reply, “Thanks be to God.” When we light vigil candles, it signifies our faith in the Light of Christ. With this light of faith, we petition our Lord in prayer, or petition a saint to pray with us and for us for a specific intention. The candle remains lit for a period of time and symbolizes the desire to remain present in prayer even though we may physically depart the church and go about our business. “Vigil” comes from the Latin word vigilia and refers to “keeping watch.” In recent years, many shrines were discontinued due to the fire hazard, but thanks to new technology, we can now enjoy the use of electric vigil stands. We currently have five shrines with devotions to the Holy Family, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Santo Niño, St. Joseph, and the Blessed Mother. While we are currently unable to light candles at our electric vigil stands, we continue this practice online through our Virtual Vigil Light page.